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    Index        Flying
    Paradise Beach

    Paradise Beach


    This recollection, courtecy of Kelvin:"It was my first really long Nav and a great adventure for me being a low hour recreational pilot. Our route was FAGC- FAHV- FAPX and back. Due to adverse Wx we actually flew back from FAPE and had to extend our stay at the coast by an additional day. I was very fortunate to have my colleague and fellow Avcomer-hwentzel- with me and we shared flying duties. I flew a total of 5.7 with the balance of the coastal flying being done by Hubert. A great adventure indeed, so what did I learn; � A lot about the weather, especially coastal weather, and the effect of mountain ranges and the instability of weather on the edges of a cell. � A lot about Easyplan and EasyWeather � That ATC�s are generally a friendly and helpful bunch- especailly FAPE. File 2 Fly does have some access and reliability problems. � A lot about the aircraft especially the EDM and the Lean Find procedure and careful fuel planning. � A lot about the Garmin 296 GPS and why they are essential. � A lot about NDB�s and the fact that most of them (on this route) don�t work. � That there is no substitute for time in the cockpit. The more the better .Stay current. The 2nd Leg down into FAPX over the PE UIT GF was most exciting and more than a little scary but valuable experience.By the way FAPX - Paradise Beach is a very nice strip and the aviation locals are great. Worth a visit."

    Written by:  - 11 Oct, 2009
    (Read 226 times)
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