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    Back to Steven Brown's Blog

    The best system ever

    The best system ever

    Where in the world do you get this service....

    Service with a smile

    Where in the world do you get this kind of service?
    I'm in the process of building a what I think to be a complex website, I have many requirements and need to have a large selection of options. Downloadable PDF files for diferent groups, calendar bookings but not in the standard format offered here, booked subjet runs via the E comerse page, and the list goes on.....

    Not once has the developer said NO it CANT be done. I have just been met with interest and a willingness to meet the clients needs. This also could be a way of keeping me from complaining :-)

    I too have been taught loads of HTML goodies and always up to scratch with the latest Exelwebs and XMSSystems has to offer.

    I can only recemmend these services to anybody wanting to sack their webmaster, and have control of their own content/ look and feel.

    Cool banana's
    Steve (watch this space for the coming website) 

    Written by:  - 5 Jun, 2014
    (Read 222 times)