Multilingual XMS Systems - Development Platform


Exam Leaderboard

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"NPPL (M) - Human Factors" Leader board

Human Factors

Total attempts since last reset: 9

1) Fred Mac Donald
Date: Sunday, 29th of August 2021 02:42
Score: 96%
Time Taken: 00:04:06(*)
Performance Index: 0.39 (**)
2) Fred Mac Donald
Date: Saturday, 21st of August 2021 10:32
Score: 92%
Time Taken: 00:02:42(*)
Performance Index: 0.57 (**)
3) Fred Mac Donald
Date: Tuesday, 17th of August 2021 01:46
Score: 92%
Time Taken: 00:02:48(*)
Performance Index: 0.55 (**)
4) Fred Mac Donald
Date: Thursday, 19th of August 2021 03:39
Score: 92%
Time Taken: 00:03:33(*)
Performance Index: 0.43 (**)
5) Fred Mac Donald
Date: Thursday, 23rd of September 2021 10:33
Score: 92%
Time Taken: 00:03:39(*)
Performance Index: 0.42 (**)
6) Fred Mac Donald
Date: Monday, 16th of August 2021 02:57
Score: 92%
Time Taken: 00:03:59(*)
Performance Index: 0.38 (**)
7) Fred Mac Donald
Date: Friday, 24th of September 2021 14:06
Score: 92%
Time Taken: 00:06:54(*)
Performance Index: 0.22 (**)
8) Fred Mac Donald
Date: Friday, 13th of August 2021 11:15
Score: 88%
Time Taken: 00:02:38(*)
Performance Index: 0.56 (**)
9) Fred Mac Donald
Date: Thursday, 12th of August 2021 22:52
Score: 88%
Time Taken: 00:03:06(*)
Performance Index: 0.47 (**)

* Time taken to complete the test HH:MM:ss
** Performance Index. (PI - Higher is better)
    This is a ranking factor based on the percentage achieved divided by the time used to complete the test.
    This means that the less time you use to get more correct questions, the better your PI will be.